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Showing posts from March, 2020

April 2020 Lock-down Reading

We’re soon to hit April and I wanted to preparations for the month with a giant mug of fruit tea and a conversation about books. We all want to read more, right? And seeing as a large portion of the world is currently stuck inside, it seems as good a time as any to get stuck in. My suggestions: Alice Walker’s The Color Purple One of my favourite books and a tale which explores the difficult themes of abuse, rape and neglect with warmth, compassion and humanity, Purple is a must read.  Following Celie’s story as she battles through life to find her voice, fall in love and start her own business will remind you that even in the hardest of times, humans are resilient, and anything is possible.  I am currently studying a BA in English Literature and recently wrote a high scoring essay on The Color Purple and Orlando , so if you are looking to study these novels yourself and want any resources or fancy a discussion about them, let me know! Virgini...

Coronavirus and The Teen Psyche

It’s psychologically damaging, isn’t it? Having your routine, your agency, your free will ripped from under you at a moment’s notice. Not to even delve into the medical mystery of it all.  Every lunchtime when I was at school, slumped by the blue PE equipment storage containers, me and my best friend would repeat our mantra ‘stop the world; I want to get off’. But now it’s finally happening, it feels like the sky is pressing down and smothering me. I walk through the city streets with sunglasses shading my watery eyes from view. Being entirely unsettled, and stuck inside with your family, is hard enough for the average human. But even more difficult for adolescents who are plagued with a barrage of mental-health-destroying hormones, complex social relationships and tons of schoolwork.  At the risk of sounding corny, you are not alone. What I mean by this is that you must not be hard on yourself for feeling lethargic, down or frustrated. I feel all of these thi...